A Day at DCA

Routines & Disruptions. Routines create autonomy and confidence. Disruptions create excitement and stretch. We design the daily framework to create routines that empower our students to drive their own learning. Then we disrupt those routines with awesome, real-life activities, excursions, competitions, and expert appearances. Just like real life.


We start each day with intention. Students connect together. And they connect with God. This period is used for daily devotionals, Socratic discussions, group "scrums" for rapid problem-solving, or townhalls, a democratic gathering to address an opportunity or issue to improve the studio.


This is where the core academic progress happens. Students work on their independent learning plan using a blend of online, in-class, and in-hand resources. Students may learn Algebra in an expert video tutorial, learn about the French revolution from a peer, and read a great novel on the lawn.


Students have flexibility to move all day, but this time is dedicated daily time for physical play, competition, or exercise.


Students refuel and connect with peers. You provide the meals you want your kids to eat so you know they are always eating healthy and avoiding any allergies.


Collaborate mode is hands-on, group projects where students explore, debate, discover, and experiment in problem-based learning about topics they are interested or passionate about.


Create is project-based learning where students actually make things. From models, to art pieces, to businesses. Students learn the relevant skills and mindsets of success based on what they actually need to know to accomplish their project. Students build from simple to complex projects as they grow.



Daily: K-8: 9am-2:15

High School: 8:30-2:15

Weekly: M-F

Yearly: September 5 - May 23

6-week "sprints" with 1 week breaks

3-week Christmas break

2-week Spring Break